Internet Hotshots

Internet Hotshots is a Mastermind group of Internet entrepreneurs, founded by pioneering online publisher Randy Cassingham on March 1, 1999. No matter what your online field, you would very likely recognize many of the members’ names past and present.

Current members include online publishers, coaches, historians, tech geeks, authors, course creators, consultants, marketers, and more.

Past members have included others from the above, plus actors, journalists, nutritionists, service providers, artists, engineers, programmers, attorneys, and more.

We’re mostly from the U.S., but members have also come from Canada, U.K., Australia, and New Zealand — we operate in English.

All have one thing in common: they’re online (or Internet) entrepreneurs.

What Constitutes an “Internet Entrepreneur”?

From the list of current and past members above, you’ll get the idea that the term “Internet entrepreneur” is pretty wide. We mean the term to encompass both businesses that didn’t exist before the Internet (such as Email Publisher), but also businesses that significantly leverage the Internet to market or enable services (such as coaches and service providers). Either way, both “online” and “entrepreneur” are key.

Full Membership

You are likely successful because you’re a “jack of all trades,” but no one knows everything, and you could well be leaving significant success on the table because you haven’t thought of how X technology, Y methodology, or Z monetization technique might apply to your business. Full members are leaders in their fields, and have thought of things you haven’t — and you have thought of things they haven’t. By getting together and sharing what works, we all benefit.

In addition to an active email discussion list, we also have face-to-face meetings for “high bandwidth” interaction at various locations around North America. These sessions are incredibly intense strategic and tactical meetings where members not only reveal the how-tos and what-fors of online business, but show other members the particulars. Most members come away from these meetings incredibly inspired and sure that they’ve taken away tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of value from the conferences.

Results Count. Many members have become millionaires due to what they learned in the group. More than one has hit the New York Times Best-Seller List during their tenure. Several have completely changed their business models and reinvented themselves …or their industries. And most have come away with life-long friends — people who share their values and interests.

Start-Up Membership

If you’re not yet a full-time entrepreneur who makes most of your earned income online (but would like to be), wouldn’t it be nice to have a group of successful full-time online “hotshot” entrepreneurs where you can safely ask questions as you progress toward success yourself? Then the Start-Up membership is for you.

You’ll have the opportunity to be on our email discussion list for six months, where you can present your ideas and ask questions of successful online entrepreneurs who have surely “been there” and can help you get a leap ahead.

We’re not your unpaid consultants: you’re expected to offer your own insights based on your own knowledge to help other members, too, just like every other member does: a “give and take” — that’s why we’re all here. But we understand you don’t know everything …because no one does. We’ll answer your questions as best we can, just as we expect you to.

After your six months, we will mutually decide whether you should move to full membership, do another six-month term, or head our separate ways.


There are normally membership dues, but those are currently suspended. There is a charge to come to our mini conferences (rarely over 20 members), and you are required to attend a conference to become a full member — ideally, the next conference we hold (currently suspended due to the pandemic). Conference registration is typically $400 or less.

Next Steps

Hotshots is unlike most groups which center around a niche “guru” (with often five-figure annual dues charged for the “honor” of maybe having access to that guru). Here, all members are peers; no one, including the founder, is considered “the” group guru.

Existing members are allowed to sponsor others as members. If you were invited to join, congratulations: that’s a significant accomplishment by itself. Click this link for the application page (have the password your sponsor provided ready).

Not Invited?

Open Enrollment is available once or twice per year. Raise your hand using the form below if you’d like to be considered for Full or Start-up membership. Randy will reply when open enrollment is expected.